FAQ 1: How often should I pump out my septic tank?
FAQ 1: Septic tanks should be pumped out every 2 to 3 years. If you own and use the garbage disposal, it should be pumped yearly
FAQ 2: What are the signs that my septic tank needs pumped out?
FAQ 2: Water or marshy grass around the septic tank is a good indicator that your tank needs pumped out. Backups into the house or the backyard are also a sure sign it needs pumped out
FAQ 3: How do I know if I have a septic tank or sewer system?
.FAQ 3: Typically, any home or business that does not have access to the sewer system should have a septic system installed. Contact the County health department for more information
FAQ 4: How often should I have my Grease trap pumped out?
FAQ 4: Grease traps need to be pumped out quarterly if now more depending on the size and use. You can setup a routine appointment to have this done
FAQ 5: How will the home inspection be done?
FAQ 5: The septic tank will be pumped out and then special equipment is used to check all aspects of the tank to check for damage, failure and plumbing going from the house and to the leach field
FAQ 6: Do I need my tank pumped out to have it inspected?
FAQ 6: Yes the tank cannot be inspected properly without emptying if first. This allows access to all aspects of the tank